List of Property with details thereof as supplied by the Income Tax authority
Transcribed to Excel file “Watergrove Income Tax Details c1939” by Terry Mitchell, Nov. 2009.
Transcribed from two-page list held by Wardle and SmallBridge History Group.
Original Document scanned to PDF file LastOccupantsOriginal.pdf.
Source of two page list unknown but probably was generated by Wardle Urban District Council ca.1939.
List 1 No Heading
Not certain what these ref numbers relate to, but possible could be income tax reference numbers from the 1910 finance act property survey.
List 2 and List 3 Headings
These numbers relate to the Numbers on the plans which accompanied the “Notice to Owners, Lessees and Occupiers” of Rochdale Corporation’s
intentions to acquire land compulsorily for the purpose of building Watergrove Reservoir, dated 9th December 1925. It is not known if the plan still exists.
Terry Mitchell
Wardle Farm 2010